我是玛丽·史密斯 亚当斯,阿比盖尔
我亲爱的姐姐 布伦特里 五月 21 17861

Is it possible that my dear Niece should really be married and the little visiting Card upon which a peice of Ribbon was wound be the only way in which my sister has thought proper to convey the pleasseing intellegence to her Friends?2 It is an event which almost every one hop'd, every one I know will approve. 为了我自己,我 184衷心祝贺大家, not only upon your acquisition but upon your escape:–can he after this delude another Family, must another unsuspecting fair one fall a victim to his vanity. 除非他愚蠢,否则我对他没有怜悯之心. 我知道他是要勇敢面对. He puts on such an air of indifference and gaeity as plainly show's how much he is mortified. He is dressd out to day in his best attire even his head is comb'd. 今天是星期天. 我希望他说, there will be many strangers at meeting to day—for his comfort there has been mr and Mrs Story and Family.3 We have not chang'd one Word with him upon the subject from the first of the affair to this day. 我很高兴他的信没有丢失.4 I knew he had abus'd me and charg'd me with things which were false. He wanted to impose upon me too and was angry that he could not and reveng'd himself by endeavouring to rob me of the affection of my dear Niece, 为此我不知道如何原谅他. It was quite accidental that I knew any thing about it—and now I only know in general. 我希望她 does not believe what he has alleg'd against me. 我相信你认为我没有好奇心. I have a reasonable share I assure you and wish to know much more than you have told me of the rise and progress of the sudden match in your Family. Do you know that you never mention'd the name of the Gentleman in one of your Letters to any of us nor any thing which could lead us to guess Who it was. 你谈论科尔的方式. 汉弗莱斯让我们以为是他,而不是科尔. Smith,–nor did we know other ways till we Saw Doctor Tufts Letter.5–But oh my Sister must you leave her in Europe when you return. 我无法忍受这种想法. Shall I not be a witness to the Happiness I have so often wish'd her. 我希望我能. How much more pleasure do you feel by introducing a man of such a universally good character into your Family than one exactly opposite to it. 愿你永远有快乐的理由. By an expression in your Letter to Betsy I cannot help hopeing that you may soon return. 埃斯特在给她母亲的信中也说了同样的话. 她说您要取道荷兰回来,是这样吗? The hope of its being really so has brought a tear of joy into my eye.

You say in one of your Letters that you have written largly to me. I have receiv'd one Letter by the January Pacquit at least it was dated January 26th Mr King sent it. One by mrs Hay one by cushing and one by Lyde as I suppose but they came in so near together that I cannot very well tell which the Letters came in. I have receiv'd the Key of the Trunk the latter is not come ashoar yet.6 罗杰斯夫妇还没到波士顿. 我昨天去看了. 我希望她 185has Letters for me, for I am not half satisfied with what I have got. 他们不会都写一封长信.

I am provok'd with young for his ill conduct about the chocalate. 他答应把它放进他的胸膛. 我们不敢一次送太多. 我现在很高兴它不再存在了. 等我们找到一个值得信任的船长,我会再派人过去的. I have no notion of giving a feast to the custom house Officers. 我打算在季节里为你说些坚果. Accep a Thousand thanks my dear Sister for your kind presents to me and my children but why my Sister have you not sent me a Bill of the Silk and apron. 我感到自己有无法偿还的义务. I am thankful that your sons stand in need of some of my care and attention, 因为这是我们表达感激之情的唯一方式. 他们是好孩子,没有给我们不必要的关心. I am sure I long for their vacancys to commence as much, I believe more than they do. We have a bustling time tis true and have work enough to do to repair the damages of their late session and prepare them for the next, but the chearfulness they infuse is a full compensation for all that is done for them. 我们的年轻人在音乐方面进步很快. Two German Flutes, a violin and a harpsicord and two voices form a considerable concert.7 来吧,我的妹妹,来听听. It will give you more pleasure than those scenes of Dissapation which you decribe, 我想,你一定会从心底里讨厌他们的. You do perfectly right to be a witness to as many of them as you can with propriety so long as you can detest them, but I cannot bear you should leave my Niece in the midst of them: She is young and habit may render them less odious to her. 她为什么没有给我们任何人写信? 她那和蔼可亲的伙伴不能占用她所有的时间. He must spare her a little to her Freinds, at least long enough to tell them how happy She is. I design to write to her as soon as I am properly inform'd how to address her.

RC (亚当斯的论文); endorsed: “Mrs Cranch 五月 7th 1786.背书表明 AA 我收到了这封未注明日期的玛丽·史密斯·克兰奇的信 AA, 5月7日上面,.


Mary Cranch comments in the course of the letter that she is writing on Sunday and that she visited Boston “yesterday,” an event that Elizabeth Cranch places on the 20th (Elizabeth Cranch to AA, 5月20日,上图).


For the visiting card from the William Smiths of Clapham that the Cranch family mistakenly believed was intended to annouce AA2她的婚姻,见伊丽莎白·克兰奇 AA, 5月20日, 注意4上面,.


Perhaps Ebenezer and Hannah Storer and his children George and Mary, whom Elizabeth Cranch saw at the home of Hannah's stepmother, 安·马什·昆西, 星期一22日(据三菱重工: Jacob Norton Papers, Elizabeth Cranch 日记, 22 五月 1786).




AA 到Cotton Tufts, 1月10.塔夫茨于5月19日收到.


箱子是随上校送去的. Lyde和 AA的信 4月6日.


JQA体系的日记条目 7月17日 描述了 186the musical scene at the Cranches: “we play'd on the flute, on the harpsichord, sung. There is always some fine music of one kind or another, going forward in this House. 贝琪, Miss Hiller finger the harpsichord Billy scrapes the Violin, 查尔斯和我吹笛子 日记 , 2:66).