亚当斯,阿比盖尔 约翰亚当斯,
最亲爱的朋友 布伦特里 Sepbr. 14 1774

Five Weeks have past and not one line have I received. I had rather give a dollar for a letter by the post, tho the consequence should be that I Eat but one meal a day for these 3 weeks to come. Every one I see is inquiring after you and when did I hear. 我所有的情报都是从报纸上搜集来的,我只能回答说,我是从报纸上看到的, 你在这样的一天到来. 我知道你喜欢写信,而且你总想让我尽快得到你的来信,这使我怀疑你的信已经流产了, 但我希望你现在已经到了费城,你会想办法给我传达一些情报.

我们在这里都很好. I think I enjoy better Health than I have done these 2 years. I have not been to Town since I parted with you there. 总督正在做各种战争准备比如在比肯山上安装大炮, 在脖子上挖壕沟, 在那里安放大炮, 在那里扎营一个团, 呕吐布雷斯特工厂 &c. &c. 人民全副武装,因此,市政委员们都在等候他. 郡议会也派来了一个委员会——你会对他们的全部情况有更详细的了解,这是我不能从报纸上给你讲的. 至于本镇的运动,你也许不会从别人那里听到. In consequence of the powders being taken from Charlstown, a general alarm spread thro many Towns and was caught pretty soon here. 报告花了一个星期五,到了星期天,有人看见一名士兵潜伏在空地上. 应该是个间谍,但更像是逃兵. However inteligence of it was communicated to the other parishes, 每个星期天晚上大约8点过去ed 大约有二百人经过这里,前面有一匹马 152他们从那里取了火药,搬了出去 it 到另一个教区,在那里把它藏了起来. 我一回来就打开窗户. 他们悄无声息地过去了, not a word among 他们 till they came against this house, 当他们中的一些人察觉到我, 问我要不要粉. 我没有回答,因为它在这么好的人手里. 他们给出的拿走的理由, was that we had so many Tories here they dare not trust us with it. 他们把温顿带上了火车, and upon their return they stoped between Cleverlys and 埃特尔, 并要求他交出两张华伦. 在他生产的时候, they put it to vote whether they should burn 他们 and it pass'd in the affirmitive. 然后他们围成一个圈,把它们烧掉, they then call'd a vote whether they should huzza, but it being Sunday evening it passd in the negative. 他们要求温顿发誓,决不参与实施这些新措施. They were not satisfied with his answers however they let him rest. 几天后,由于他发表了一些愚蠢的演讲,他们聚集在一起 3 hundred, swore vengance upon him unless he took a solemn oath. 于是,他们挑选了一个委员会,派人去了 他们 带他去见米勒少校,看他是否答应, 他们等着他回来, 哪一个证明令人满意,他们分散了. 这个城镇看起来像你能想象的那么高,如果必要的话,很快就会武装起来. 没有一个保守党人不把头藏起来. The church parson thought they were comeing after him, 他们说跑到阁楼上去, 另一只从他的窗户跳出来,藏在玉米地里,第三只从他的木板栅栏下面爬了出来, 告诉他的珠子.1


我在学校吃了一天饭. 昆西. 他们太好了,把我送来了, and Nabby and Betsy an invitation to spend the Day with 他们, and as I had not been to see 他们 since I removed to 布伦特里, 我接受了邀请. 我到那里后,来了一位先生. 小. 昆西的妻子2 和奥. 萨姆纳,3 Mr. 约西亚和妻子.4 你可以肯定,这是两党之间的小小冲突. Mr. Sam's Wife said she thought it high time for her Husband to turn about, he had not done half so clever since he left her advice. 他们都说,他们都非常钦佩圣. 亚萨是你所看见的. It meets, and most certainly merrits the greatest encomiums.5

当我晚上回来时. Thaxter met me at the door with your Letter dated from Prince town New Jersy. 它确实使我精神振奋,直到一点钟我才安分入睡. 153You make no mention of one I wrote you previous to that you received by Mr. 布雷克先生寄来的. 坎宁安. I am rejoiced to hear you are well; I want to know many more perticuliars than you wrote me, 希望很快能再收到你的来信. I dare not trust myself with the thought of how long you may perhaps be absent. I only count the weeks already past, and they amount to 5. I am not so lonely as I should have been, without my two Neighbours. 我们在吃饭的时候让一桌人坐满,剩下的时间他们都在办公室. Never were two persons who gave a family less trouble than they do. 最后确定的是. Rice让学校留在这里. 事实上,自从他来到这里以来,他一直守着, but not with any expectation that He should be continued, 但是人们发现他和他的前任有很大的不同,选择他继续留任. 我没有派约翰尼去. 他很坚定地去找Mr. Thaxter who I believe takes very good care of him, 因为他们似乎对彼此有好感,所以我相信最好还是继续和他在一起. However when you return we can then consult what will be best. I am certain that if he does not get so much good, 他受到的伤害更少, 我一直认为,孩子们在生命的早期阶段,不应该习惯于这样的例子,因为这些例子会破坏他们言行的纯洁,使他们一听到誓言就胆战心惊,这是非常重要的, and blush with indignation at an obscene expression. 这些第一原则s 随着它们的成长而成长,随着它们的力量而壮大,时间和习俗都不能完全根除它们.你可能会很累. No let it serve by way of relaxation from the more important 就像你过去在这里的小隐居所给你的那种乐趣. 在你们面前,我要用主教的话来表达我对国家最重大的关切, 如果祈祷和佩蒂tions assend unto Heaven which are daily offerd for you, wisdom will flow down as a streem and Rithousness as the mighty waters, and your deliberations will make glad the cities of our God.

我很抱歉,我不知道这位先生. 卡里的. It would have been so good an opportunity to have sent this as I lament the loss of. 毫无疑问,你已经听说过人民阻止法院在各个县设立, 上周在陶顿, 愤怒 安吉尔 urged the courts opening, and calling out the action, but could not effect it.

我看到尤妮斯小姐的一封信6 她在书中描述了这件事, 他说有2000人聚集在法院周围由9人组成的委员会提交了一份请愿书,要求他们 154不愿set,并带着极大的命令等了2个小时,等待他的回答,当他们分散.

你的家人都希望向你问好, 还有经常来看我的昆西叔叔, to have an hour of sweet communion upon politicks with me. 科尔. 昆西需要他对你的赞美. Dr. Tufts sends his Love and your Mother and Brothers also. I have lived a very recluse life since your absence, 我很少到别的地方去,只到我父亲那里去,他们同我母亲和妹妹都希望你们记得我. My Mother has been exceeding low, but is a little better.我不知道你们的气候有多暖和,但这两晚我都让人把我的床暖了.—I must request you to procure me some watermellon seads and Muskmellon, as I determine to be well stocked with 他们 an other year. 我们下了一些好雨,但一旦收获了谷物,你就必须释放我的诺言. 干旱使第二次收割变得不可能,喂一点也无妨. However I hope you will be at home to be convinced of the utility of the measure.-你会把这些都烧掉的 信不应该从你的口袋里掉出来,暴露了你最深情的朋友,


RC (亚当斯的论文); docketed in an unidentified hand: “September 14 1774 AA.”


巧妙的, 埃特尔, and Millers were Church of England families and accordingly inclined to toryism. “教堂牧师”是爱德华·温斯洛, 哈佛大学1741, 他于1763年在布伦特里定居,但在1777年初被迫以“对美国有敌意”的名义离开(Sibley-Shipton, 哈佛大学的毕业生 , 11:97–107; see AA to JA, 1777年4月2日下面的,). 10月3日. 1774年,一次城镇会议投票认为,在波士顿和其他地方流传的一份报告称,布伦特里圣公会教徒受到了干扰,这是“恶意的”, 假 & 有害的 & 蓄意诋毁市镇”( 布伦特里镇唱片公司 , p. 451).


汉娜(希尔)昆西(d. 1782). 参见亚当斯家谱. 她不同意丈夫的政见,第二年没有陪他去英国.


增加 萨姆纳(1746 - 1799), 的洛, who had prepared for the law in Samuel Quincy's office; he was 晚些时候 a justice of the Supreme Judicial Court and from 1797 to 1799 governor of Massachusetts. 萨姆纳的母亲是 JA的母亲. ( NEHGR , 8 [1854]:105–128; JA, 日记和自传 , 3:257; 轻拍 .)




乔纳森·希普利(1714-1788)圣主教. 亚萨, 是本杰明·富兰克林的密友, 晚些时候, 与伦敦的亚当斯夫妇关系密切( DNB ; JA, 日记和自传 , 3:181–182, 193). Already known as markedly sympathetic with the American cause, 1774年,他在上议院投票反对修改《利记APP官网手机版》的法案,并于不久后发表 原拟在修改马萨诸塞湾殖民地宪章法案上的演说. 他在信中宣称,他把“北美视为地球上唯一留下的自由人的大苗圃”.“不少于五个版本的 演讲 都是1774年在伦敦发行的 155再版更多 在波士顿, 萨勒姆, 纽波特, 哈特福德, 纽约, 费城, 兰开斯特, 和威廉斯堡在同一年. 看到 沙宾 80511–80526; 埃文斯 13615–13625; T. R. 亚当斯,《利记手机官网》 号. 141a–p.


Eunice, sister of Robert Treat Paine; her letter has not been traced.

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