Adams, Abigail Adams, John
Abigail Adams to John Adams
24 May Braintree 1775

假如你对我们上星期天早晨所发生的那件可怕的事已经有所了解了. 大约六点钟我起床时,有人告诉我鼓声已经敲了好一会儿,还开了三门警报炮, that Weymouth Bell had been ringing, and Mr. Welds was then ringing.1 我立刻派人快件去打听情况,结果全城都陷入了混乱. 三艘单桅单桅船和一艘小艇已经驶出,在大山下下了锚. It was difficult to tell their design, 有些人以为他们要去日耳曼敦,有些人以为他们要去韦茅斯. 从铁厂来的人,女人,孩子,都从这条路蜂拥而来——无论男女老少,都来自我的父辈. My Fathers family flying, the Drs.2 in great distress, 你可以想象得到,因为我姑妈的床被人扔进了一辆大车, into which she got herself, 吩咐那孩子把她赶到布里奇沃特,他照办了. 他们得到的报告是,三百人已经登陆,正在向城里进军. The allarm flew like lightning, 人们从四面八方蜂拥而来,直到2000年才被召集起来,但他们的远征似乎是为了葡萄岛 Levet's hay. 在那里,由于没有船,根本无法到达他们那里, but the sight of so many persons, 他们的炮火使他们无法得到三吨多的干草, 虽然他们把更多的东西运到了水里. 最后,他们从兴厄姆调集了一艘轻型船和一艘有六个左舷孔的单桅帆船. 我们的人急切地跳上了船,向小岛驶去. As soon as they perceived it, they decamped. Our people landed upon the 很快,干草连同谷仓一起被烧毁了3 ton tis said.4 我们预计很快就会处于持续的警报中,直到一些决定性的事情发生. 我们怀着热切的期待等待着,希望能听到你利记APP官网手机版团结与和谐的最好的叙述 &c. 我们对富兰克林医生的到来感到非常高兴, 因为他一定能把英国的情况详细地告诉你. I wish you would write if you can get time; be as perticuliar as you may, when 205you write—every one here abouts comes to me to hear what accounts I have. 我很不幸,没有收到你在纽约写的信. Capn. Beals forgot it, and left it behind. 我们这里有一份利记APP官网手机版纽约的飞行报告, but cannot give any credit to, as yet, 他们与盖奇派到那里的船只交战,双方都损失惨重.

昨天我们有3艘船到波士顿. I believe it is true, as there was a Salute from the other Ships, 虽然我还不知道它们是从哪里来的. 假设你已经了解了对仓库造成严重破坏的火灾, 在这段时间里,给居民增加了极大的痛苦. 盖奇将军的不良行为是造成如此大的破坏的原因.

这是一个很好的生长季节,最近下了一场迷人的雨, 这是我们两个星期来最需要的东西吗. Your meadow is almost fit to mow. 艾萨克说要离开你,去参军. I believe he will. Mr. Rice has a prospect of an adjutant place in the Army. 我相信他不会是一个非常坚强的士兵. 这一星期以来,他一直在发烧,而且一直没有走出他的房间. He is upon the recovery now.

在第一批士兵来住宿时,我们的房子也曾出现过这种混乱的场面, for Breakfast, for Supper, for Drink &c. &c. 有时,来自波士顿的难民感到疲惫不堪, seek an assilum for a Day or Night, a week—you can hardly imagine how we live.

“Yet to the Houseless child of want our doors are open still. And tho our portions are but scant We give them with good will.”

I want to know how you do? How are your Eyes? Is not the weather very hot where you are? The children are well and send Duty to Pappa. This day Month you set of. I have never once inquired when you think it posible to return; as I think you could not give me any satisfactory answer. 根据你的指示,我已写信给. Dilly, and given it to the care of Capn. Beals who will deliver it with his own hand; I got Mr. Thaxter to take a coppy for me, as I had not time amidst our confusions; I send it to you for your approbation.5 你要小心,因为我没有其他副本. 祝你们健康、幸福, 并指示你们采取最明智、最妥善的措施,保障我们的安全, and the Security of our 206posterity. I wish you was nearer to us. 一日要生何事,一时要遭遇何苦,我们不知道. 到目前为止,我一直能够保持冷静和镇定, and hope I shall, 让时间的紧急是他们想要的.

Mrs. WarreN希望你能记住她诚挚的问候. Mr. Cranch and family send their Love. He poor man has a fit of his old disorder. 自从上次给你写信以来,我没有听到上帝的一个字. 我等着你的消息,然后再采取相应的行动. 除了艾萨克,我不敢用我所有的钱偿还任何债务, 至少你应该对剩下的感到失望. Adieu Breakfast calls your affectionate


Sister Betsy is with me, and desires her kindest Wishes, 谨向您致以最亲切的问候.6

RC (Adams Papers). Enclosure: FC of AA5月22日给爱德华·迪利的信.


The meetinghouse of Rev. 埃兹拉·韦尔德出生于1759年的耶鲁大学,住在靠近韦茅斯(韦茅斯)的布伦特里中部区。Dexter, Yale Graduates , 2:631–633).


Dr. Cotton Tufts, AA's uncle.




有关葡萄岛活动的更多细节,请参阅 AA to JA, 22 June, below.


See the preceding letter and notes therewith.


This greeting is in Elizabeth Smith's hand.